Quilting Group

A closed quilting group, who are very welcoming. Please contact 07454022555 for more information.

Supper Club

A monthly cooking club, run in partnership with Glasgow Community Food Network, Urban Roots, Glasgow Eco Trust, St. Paul’s Youth Forum, Central and West Integration Network and The Space. Please contact Ailee on aileeb_gcfn@outlook.com  to book or for more...

Eco Trust Health Walk “Plus”

A weekly health walk, which leaves and returns to the Community Centre, run by our partners the Eco Trust. The Friday health walk is slightly longer than the Wednesday one. Please see https://www.glasgowecotrust.org.uk/pages/events/category/events to...

Eco Trust Health Walk

A weekly health walk, which leaves and returns to the Community Centre, run by our partners the Eco Trust. Please see https://www.glasgowecotrust.org.uk/pages/events/category/events to book.

DRC Youth Group

A Youth Group dedicated to working with the youth of the Dumbarton Road Corridor. Please call 0141 951 8669 for more information.