Discover organisations around Glasgow

Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) has brought together this directory of support organisations to ensure that people get the help they need.

Below are a number of organisations offering online and telephone resources that may be helpful to you.

Shielding Support

Glasgow City Council: Shielding Support
0141 276 1185, 9am – 5pm, 7 days a week,
For people who have received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer because they, or the person they care for, is at risk of severe illness if you catch coronavirus (covid-19).

Scottish Government: National Assistance Helpline
0800 111 4000, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
For people who are over 70, or receive the flu vaccine for medical reasons, do not have any access to the internet, and do not have anyone to help get essential supplies like food or medicine.

Coronavirus Guidance and Services (health)

NHS inform

Health Protection Scotland: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde HUB

NHS Inform: Scotland’s Service Directory (SSD)
Health and wellbeing services across Scotland, including details of all NHS health services

Mental Health

Clear Your Head tips and ideas, help and support

Scottish Association for Mental Health information and support 0344 800 0550

Samaritans Helpline 116 123

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 0800 58 58 58 and Webchat Support, information and signposting for men

Breathing Space Helpline 0800 83 85 87

Mental Health Foundation: Looking after your mental health and wellbeing if you are staying home

NHS Great Glasgow & Clyde Heads Up – information, advice and support in Glasgow

Lifelink Glasgow Counselling service T: 0141 552 4434 Due to COVID 19 restrictions at the moment all counselling will be delivered via telephone or video sessions

Violence Against Women

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline (SDAFMH) 0800 027 1234 and

Rape Crisis Scotland 08088 01 03 02 6pm – midnight, Text: 077537 410 027

Older People

Age Scotland 0800 12 44 222

Children, Young People and Families

Young Scot

Parentline Scotland 08000 28 22 33

LGBT Youth Scotland 07786 202 370 and Webchat, Text and email

Young Minds and Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544

Childline 0800 1111 and Webchat, and email

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

LGBT Youth Scotland 07786 202 370 and Webchat, Text and email

LGBT Health & Wellbeing LGBT helpline 0300 123 2523 Tuesday and Wednesday  12 – 9pm

Employment, Rights, Money, Housing and Benefits, Advice

ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service)
advice for employers & employees

Shelter Scotland  housing advice 0808 800 4444

Citizen’s Advice New National advice helpline: 0800 028 1456 Check for your local helpline number

GAIN network 
Benefits and money advice services across Glasgow

Financial Support

Scottish Welfare Fund Crisis Grants; Community Care Grants

Aberlour Urgent Assistance Fund

Scottish Refugee Council

One Parent Families Scotland Coronavirus Emergency Energy Fund one-off payment of £50 to single parent families in Scotland who need help with their energy


Cruse Bereavement Care 0808 808 1677 email

Support for Voluntary / Third Sector Organisations